Stormwater Pump Station Project

Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 7 (FBCLID 7) lies within the jurisdiction of Fort Bend County and the City of Sugar Land. Both agencies have implemented new drainage hydrology criteria which was determined by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The new hydrology, known as Atlas 14 Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates (Atlas 14), estimates that for various rainfall events, rainfall volumes used to design drainage and flood protection systems for levee districts has increased.

August 11, 2020 Stormwater Pump Station Site Location Alternative AnalysisMarch 30, 2021 FBCLID 7 – Stand-By Generation Presentations

Construction Updates

May 2024

On May 8, CenterPoint finally installed the transformer that will power the New Pump Station. Over the next month, the electrician will complete all wiring at the new facility. When finished, the new Pump Station will be commissioned and all equipment tested to ensure it operates as designed. Based on the latest schedule the five new pumps pictured below will be operable in late June.

The LID 7 Board of Directors thanks all the residents of New Territory for their support and patience as this critical flood mitigation project proceeds. For questions regarding the project, please reach out to the District via the “Contact Us” page on the FBCLID 7 website.

March 2024

Unforeseen delays from CenterPoint in transformer delivery and installation have affected the Pump Station Project completion schedule, which. It is currently reset for April of 2024. Pump Station structure and control building are already completed, and the new pumps and generators have been installed.

Once the transformers are delivered and installed, electricity will be supplied to the site, enabling the installation of the pump motors. This process is expected to take 3 to 4 weeks to complete.

The FBCLID 7 Board of Directors expresses their gratitude to all the residents of New Territory for their ongoing support and patience during this important flood mitigation project. For any inquiries or concerns regarding the project, residents are encouraged to reach out to the District via the "Contact Us" page on the FBCLID 7 website.

New Pump Station Building and pump installation

December 2023

Construction of the new Stormwater Pump Station has been delayed and is currently scheduled to be complete in March 2024. The Pump Station structure and building are complete, but the electric pumps and motor control equipment cannot be installed until CenterPoint provides electricity to the site. The installation of pumps and motor controls has remained a critical construction activity throughout the project and the lack of power will continue to delay their completion.

The LID 7 Board of Directors thanks all the residents of New Territory for their support and patience as this critical flood mitigation project proceeds. For questions regarding the project, please reach out to the District via the “Contact Us” page on the FBCLID 7 website.

July 2023

The week of July 17 the pump station contractor will drive large steel sheet piles into the ground to safely excavate the second phase of outfall construction. This activity will be similar to previous phases of construction that required the installation of sheet piles. All construction remains limited to typical work hours (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday). The LID 7 Board of Directors thanks all the residents of New Territory for their support and patience as this critical flood mitigation project proceeds.

The first 100 feet of the outfall pipe is complete, and this second phase of outfall construction will connect to the pump station. The contractor is currently constructing a temporary levee over the new outfall so the remaining segment can be constructed underneath the LID 7 levee. The temporary levee will maintain the same level of flood protection throughout construction.

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Outfall

Construction continues on the upper walls of new Stormwater Pump Station intake structure that will support the top slab and motors for the new pumps The LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station is currently scheduled to be complete by the end of 2023. For questions regarding the project, please reach out to the District via the “Contact Us” page on the FBCLID 7 website.

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Intake Structure

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Stations & Temporary Levee Construction

Construction Update - June 20, 2023

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Update
June 2023

Construction continues on the new Stormwater Pump Station intake structure. The lower walls are complete so the top slab of the discharge channel can be poured. Construction has also started on the upper walls that will support the elevated motors for the new pumps.

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Intake (inside levee)

Construction of the pump station outfall structure located outside the levee is also complete along with 100 feet of the outfall pipe that will connect the pump station intake and outfall structures. The contractor is currently backfilling around the new outfall and will construct a temporary levee over the new pipe. This will allow the contractor to safely install the remaining segment of outfall pipe located underneath the LID 7 levee, and the District will maintain the same level of flood protection throughout construction. This second phase of outfall construction is scheduled to begin in mid-July. To safely excavate through the levee, large steel sheet piles will need to be driven into the ground, similar to previous phases of construction. All construction activity is limited to typical work hours (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday).

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Outfall (outside levee)

The LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station is currently scheduled to be complete by the end of 2023. The LID 7 Board of Directors thanks all the residents of New Territory for their support and patience as this critical flood mitigation project proceeds. For questions regarding the project, please reach out to the District via the “Contact Us” page on the FBCLID 7 website.

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Stations & Temporary Levee Construction

Construction Update - April 18, 2023

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Update
April 2023

The LID 7 contractor continues to pour the concrete walls of the pump station intake structure pictured below. In July, the walls are scheduled to be completed and then the top slab supported by the walls will be poured. Construction has also started on the outfall structure located outside the levee. The walls at the downstream end of the outfall are complete, and the new flapgate has been installed. The contractor recently started working on the large box culvert that connects the pump station intake and outfall structures. By the end of June, 100 feet of outfall culvert outside the levee is scheduled to be completed and backfilled. Then, a temporary levee will be constructed over the new outfall. After this is complete the contractor can connect the outfall to the new pump station underneath the existing levee, and the current level of flood protection will be maintained. This second phase of outfall construction is scheduled to begin in July. To safely excavate through the levee large steel sheet piles will need to be driven into the ground, similar to previous phases of construction. A public update will be posted beforehand, and all construction activity is limited to typical work hours (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday).

The LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station is currently scheduled to be complete by the end of 2023. The LID 7 Board of Directors thanks all the residents of New Territory for their support and patience as this critical flood mitigation project proceeds. For questions regarding the project, please reach out to the District via the “Contact Us” page on the FBCLID 7 website.

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Intake Structure

Notice: Early Morning Construction - January 5, 2023

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Update

January 2023

The LID 7 contractor mobilized in July 2022 to begin construction on the new stormwater pump station, and excavation and foundation placement continued throughout the Fall of 2022. Recently the contractor started vertical construction by pouring the concrete walls for the pump intake structure inside the levee and the pump outfall located outside the levee. The Contractor is currently coordinating with the LID 7 District Engineer on the next critical step of the project. A pump outfall pipe must be installed through the levee to connect the intake and outfall structures. The contractor is finalizing an engineered construction plan which includes a safe construction method that also provides temporary flood protection. All LID 7 residents can be assured that the current level of flood protection will be maintained during this important phase of construction and throughout the duration of the project.

The LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station is currently scheduled to be complete by the end of 2023. The LID 7 Board of Directors thanks all the residents of New Territory for their support and patience as these flood mitigation projects proceed. For questions regarding the project, please reach out to the District via the “Contact Us” page on the FBCLID 7 website.

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Intake Structure (inside levee)

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Outfall Structure (outside levee)

Spring 2022 Resident Update

The Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 7 (FBCLID 7) Board of Directors, in coordination with the District’s Engineer, LJA Engineering, would like to update residents of Crescent Ridge and New Territory on the status of the Stormwater Pump Station Project.

To refresh residents as to the scope of this project, a new Stormwater Pump Station is being constructed on Lots 29, 30 and 31 of Block 1 within the New Territory Parcel SF 34 Subdivision, on the knuckle of Hayden Creek Drive and Evandale Lane.

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On October 2018, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released Volume 11 of the Atlas 14 Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates (Atlas 14). This technical paper redefined and increased the rainfall volumes for storm frequencies which were used to design the FBCLID 7 flood protection system.

Various local governments such as Fort Bend County and the City of Sugar Land have adopted Atlas 14 in their drainage criteria. Based on better past data, Atlas 14 estimates for Fort Bend County rainfall volumes increased from approximately 12.5-inches to 16.5-inches for the 100-year event and 8.20-inches to 8.55-inches for the 10-year event. After consideration of options available to the District, the Board of Directors voted to move forward with a new Stormwater Pump Station project to address the anticipated increases in storm event-based rainfall. The Stormwater Pump Station is required to provide positive drainage from the levee system when the Brazos River water surface is high and limits gravity drainage. The Pump Station will have a total capacity of 350,000 gallons per minute (gpm) and will operate in conjunction with other flood mitigation infrastructure within the District.


As part of the site plan and design, the goal was maintained to have the Pump Station construction and presentation mirror the surrounding community. The operations building will have a brick façade and similar architecture to neighboring residential buildings. The landscaping of the front yard will keep most of the existing yard trees for the lots and maintain groomed grass.

Fence construction design acknowledges aesthetics and sound control, and will be an 8-foot tall brick wall on the street-facing and sides, with the back 16 feet of side lot fence to be a combination of cyclone fencing material and wood. Planting trees within the Pump Station site will provide additional concealment and minimize views from adjacent streets and residential homes.

Downloadable View


The current schedule for construction milestones is as follows:

  • April 25, 2022: Demolition of residential homes starts
  • May 9, 2022: Complete Demolition of residential homes
  • May 23, 2022: Start Pump Station Construction
  • October 25, 2023: Complete Pump Station Construction

During construction, residents will see a lot of activity in the area and the Board of Directors understands there could be some impact to traffic and noise in the area. To mitigate some of the concerns of residents, LJA Engineering and the contracted parties on the project are taking steps to make this as easy a transition as possible.

Construction fencing will be placed around the site to partially conceal construction activity. Construction vehicles will not be allowed to park in public streets for extended periods of time, and off-site parking is being provided for workers so personal and commercial vehicles are not causing traffic issues. Access to the project will be from Cunningham Creek Boulevard to Evandale Lane, and large deliveries will be limited to windows early in the morning and later in the afternoon. Construction activity will typically occur Monday through Saturday, 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., with the occasional equipment maintenance being performed on Sundays, as needed.

Contracting parties will be responsible for controlling dust from the project site, and the District will be utilizing a Stormwater Manager to conduct weekly inspections to identify issues that may arise with dust, silt, and construction debris. The District has also engaged a provider to place vibratory monitoring equipment around the project site to monitor vibrations from existing conditions and construction activity, as an added measure of protection for neighboring residents.

Contact Us

For questions regarding the project, please reach out to the District via the “Contact Us” page on the FBCLID 7 website. For concerns that necessitate immediate attention, you can reach project representatives below:

  • Phil Martin @ 713-574-5261, 281-343-0712
  • William T. Ehler, PE. @ 832-692-1840, 713-953-5028
  • Kane Mudd, PE @ 713-953-5215

Again, the FBCLID 7 Board of Directors thanks all the residents of New Territory for their support and patience as these flood mitigation projects proceed.

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