FBCLID 7 is a political subdivision of the State of Texas created under the provisions of Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas Constitution, and operating pursuant to Chapters 49 and 57 of the Texas Water Code, as amended, and Chapter 7808 of the Texas Special District Local Laws Code.
FBCLID 7 was created to construct certain levee and drainage improvements to provide protection to the land and improvements of residential and commercial property owners in New Territory from flooding from the Brazos River.
How It Works:
FBCLID 7 is governed by a five-member Board of Directors. The directors are elected by the residents of Fort Bend County LID 7. The Board holds a regular meeting once a month to manage and conduct the business and affairs of FBCLID 7, and these meetings are open to the public pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.

Periodically, the Board will hold special meetings. The Board has the ability to go into closed session during meetings to discuss certain matters, as allowed by the Open Meetings Act. By law, an agenda for each Board meeting must be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.
As is typically done for smaller governmental agencies, FBCLID 7 contracts with consultants such as attorneys, engineers, auditors, bookkeepers, tax assessor-collectors, operators, and financial advisors to provide services, advice, and reports to assist the Board in managing FBCLID 7.