Brazos River Erosion Control Project
Construction Update
May 2024
Elevated water levels on the Brazos River continue to delay critical construction activities. Since April 10 the contractor has been unable to work on installation of the bendway weirs or placement of stone riprap along the banks of the Brazos. Bendway weir #3 was almost complete in early April before the crane was forced to move to higher ground. Installation of stone riprap also stopped between weir #1 and #2 as seen in the photo below. Currently, the contractor can only haul off excess fill material and import additional rock while the Brazos River is elevated.
The latest construction videos from April and May are posted online. The ongoing delays may push the completion date into early 2025, and a schedule update will be provided when the contractor is able to resume all construction activities.

Brazos River Erosion Control Project (April 11, 2024 - prior to flooding)

Brazos River Erosion Control Project (May 9, 2024)