FBCLID 7 Stormwater Detention Project
Construction Update
March 2024
The Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 7 (FBCLID 7) Stormwater Detention Project began construction at the start of the year, with site clearing as the initial step to prepare for excavation. As part of the clearing process, the contractor addressed abandoned water wells found within the new detention pond area by capping them. The construction of the pond will necessitate significant excavation of thousands of truckloads of material. Currently, the contractor has removed 90,000 cubic yards of material, or approximately 40% of the 230,000 cubic yards of total required excavation.
Construction is set to begin on a new segment of Sartartia Road, situated on the western side of the new pond. Following the construction of this new road segment the segment of Sartartia Road on the south side of the new pond will be removed so the Stormwater Detention Project can connect to Ellis Creek. It is advised for residents to stay vigilant regarding construction traffic when travelling near Williams Landing Dr., Sandhill Dr., and Sartartia Rd.
The Stormwater Detention Project remains on schedule and is expected to be complete before Summer 2024.

Excavation of Stormwater Detention Project
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