Brazos River Erosion Control Project
Construction Update
March 2024
The Brazos River Erosion Control Project (BRECP) is making significant progress despite the challenges posed by elevated river levels due to rainfall in late January. River levels will continue to be closely monitored by the project team though spring, as storms could bring in additional rainfall. Currently, the focus is on constructing the six bendway weirs which extend into the river; with two weirs already installed and work underway on the third, construction is steadily moving forward. These weirs will play a significant role in stabilizing the riverbanks and mitigating erosion along the Brazos River.
Furthermore, the excavation phase of the project site is nearing completion, creating a more gradual slope to the river bank. The contractor is using large trucks for removal of the stockpiled material and receipt of rock deliveries, which necessitates caution and awareness from commuters in the area; particularly when traveling along New Territory Blvd in the construction zones during project hours.
With approximately half of the new riverbank graded to its final elevation and rock placement now underway, protective measures to prevent future erosion are being implemented. Rock installation began at the Boulder Key, which protects the upstream end of the structure.
Aerial videos showcasing the construction progress from January, February and March of the Brazos River Erosion Control project are posted online to view construction progress.

Brazos River Erosion Control Project (looking upstream)

Brazos River Erosion Control Project (looking downstream)
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