The week of July 17 the pump station contractor will drive large steel sheet piles into the ground to safely excavate the second phase of outfall construction. This activity will be similar to previous phases of construction that required the installation of sheet piles. All construction remains limited to typical work hours (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday). The LID 7 Board of Directors thanks all the residents of New Territory for their support and patience as this critical flood mitigation project proceeds.
The first 100 feet of the outfall pipe is complete, and this second phase of outfall construction will connect to the pump station. The contractor is currently constructing a temporary levee over the new outfall so the remaining segment can be constructed underneath the LID 7 levee. The temporary levee will maintain the same level of flood protection throughout construction.

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Outfall
Construction continues on the upper walls of new Stormwater Pump Station intake structure that will support the top slab and motors for the new pumps The LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station is currently scheduled to be complete by the end of 2023. For questions regarding the project, please reach out to the District via the “Contact Us” page on the FBCLID 7 website.

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Intake Structure

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Stations & Temporary Levee Construction