LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Update
January 5, 2023
The LID 7 contractor mobilized in July 2022 to begin construction on the new stormwater pump station, and excavation and foundation placement continued throughout the Fall of 2022. Recently the contractor started vertical construction by pouring the concrete walls for the pump intake structure inside the levee and the pump outfall located outside the levee. The Contractor is currently coordinating with the LID 7 District Engineer on the next critical step of the project. A pump outfall pipe must be installed through the levee to connect the intake and outfall structures. The contractor is finalizing an engineered construction plan which includes a safe construction method that also provides temporary flood protection. All LID 7 residents can be assured that the current level of flood protection will be maintained during this important phase of construction and throughout the duration of the project.
The LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station is currently scheduled to be complete by the end of 2023. The LID 7 Board of Directors thanks all the residents of New Territory for their support and patience as these flood mitigation projects proceed. For questions regarding the project, please reach out to the District via the “Contact Us” page on the FBCLID 7 website.

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Intake Structure (inside levee)

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Outfall Structure (outside levee)
For more information on the Stormwater Pump Station Project, please click here: