FBCLID 7 Stormwater Pump Station Update
November 3, 2022
Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District (FBCLID 7) residents should be aware the next phase of major construction activity for the new FBCLID 7 Stormwater Pump Station will require early morning work hours on Monday, November 7, 2022.
Beginning at 5:00 a.m. the contractor will start placing concrete for a portion of the pump station foundation. Wet weather over the past week has delayed this activity which was originally scheduled during normal work hours (7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.). However, to keep the project on schedule and to work around limited concrete supply, only early morning delivery hours are available next week. To complete the foundation placement, seventeen loads of concrete will be delivered to the site using the temporary access road on Ellis Creek. No construction traffic is anticipated in the Crescent Ridge neighborhood.
The FBCLID 7 contractor mobilized in July and foundation excavation began in September. The FBCLID 7 Stormwater Pump Station is currently scheduled to be complete in the Fall of 2023. The FBCLID 7 Board of Directors thanks all the residents of New Territory for their support and patience as these flood mitigation projects proceed. For questions regarding the project, please reach out to the District via the “Contact Us” page on the FBCLID 7 website.

LID 7 Stormwater Pump Station: Foundation excavation complete and steel reinforcement installed